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Home » Product Information » Fine Ceramics Division » PARUCOCERAM SI

This is silicon impregnation silicon carbide compact using high-purity SiC raw materials and is used as semiconductor heat processing components. The high quality level is maintained due to the integrated manufacturing process from raw materials to the finished products and the long-cultivated evaluation technology of the powder and compact.
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Specification(measure of central tendency)

Product Name Silicon Impregnation Silicon Carbide Compact
Composition Mechanical Property Young's Modulus
Flexural Strength
(3 Pt.)
Composition[Vol%] α-SiC Si RT 370 250
82 18 800°C 360 220
Bulk density [kg/m3] 3.02×103 1200°C 340 220
Heatproof temperature [°C] 1350 Poisson ratio 0.18 (RT)
Thermal Property Thermal Conductivity [W/mK] Specific Heat Capacity [kJ/kgK] Coefficient of Thermal Expansion [1/K]
RT 220 0.7 RT~700°C 3.4×10-6
700°C 60 1.23 700~1200°C 4.3×10-6
Impurity content (Pressure-Decomposition Method ICP-AES) [ppm]
Element Fe Ni Na K Mg Ca Cr Mn Zn Cu Ti V Al
Content Percentage 3 <2 <0.5 <1 <0.1 5 0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <3 <3 25

*CVD-SiC Coating is also available if you wish. For details such as specifications, etc., please contact us.

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Inquiries to Pacific Rundum Co., Ltd.
1 Iwaseakada-machi, Toyama 931-8555 Japan MAP
Division in charge Fine Ceramics Division
Tel/fax Tel: +81-76-438-1217 Fax: +81-76-438-1214
Click here for inquiries or a request for catalog.

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